
The Singing Slovenes are an ethnic non-profit singing group from Duluth, Minnesota that promotes the Slovenian heritage through native costume, language, and music.
A Message from Our Friend and Fellow Performer, Joe Jagunich

I need a kidney
Dear Friends,
I am in imminent need of a kidney transplant. I have been on the approved Living Donor Recipient list at Mayo Clinic since February 2021. I am searching for a living donor. I have stage 4 kidney failure, which has resulted in a drastic loss of energy, and I generally do not feel all that well. As a result, I began Home Peritoneal Kidney Dialysis Treatment as of June 2021. My treatments begin a 7PM every evening and last about 9 hours. i connected to a Cycler Machine that fills and empties my abdomen’s peritoneal cavity five times per night to filter my blood. I can longer go out of town on overnight visits to friends and family.
Likewise, I cannot travel overnight or internationally with the Singing Slovenes, which has limited the group’s performance schedule; as I am the group’s accordionist. I am obligated to these every-night home dialysis treatments. However, dialysis IS keeping me alive!
What would a kidney transplant mean to me? A kidney transplant would give me the gift of a longer, healthier life; with increased energy, and freedom from the nightly dialysis treatments. I will once again be able to travel to visit family and friends and resume performing here and abroad with the Singing Slovenes (Minnesota’s Ambassadors of Traditional Slovenian Music).
Healthy people can donate a kidney to someone like me and continue to lead healthy lives themselves; with no greater risk of kidney issues than the general population. The process involves screening, and even if someone doesn’t match me, they can enter Paired Exchange Program that can work to give this gift to someone else; thereby moving me up on the list, thus another donor could give the gift to me. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the kidney donor program, you can go to mayoclinic.org/livingdonor on your computer to get started. You may also contact me at 218-343-1066 or email jjagunich@msn.com
Here is what you need to know:
- Testing and screening are FREE to the donor.
- The donation is done at no cost of any kind to the donor.
- Hospital stay is usually a few days and then a couple weeks of recovery/rest at home.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and consider this lifesaving gift. If being a donor is not for you, I would ask that you share my story with others to help spread my message, and my big ask for a healthier, longer life.
Joe “Joey J” Jagunich
Polka Mass Live DVD
A video of the Polka Mass celebrated in its entirety.This video of the Polka Mass was recorded in its entirety in October, 2015 in Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Cloquet, Minnesota. Buy yours today!